About Me


My name is Daniel Tello-Torres, I am a Latin American student aspiring to be a web designer along with creating my own website. Growing up I did not have a sense of community. I lived in completely different places in North and South America, so I would always move. I held onto my roots no matter what by being myself and surrounding myself with others like me that had common interests. It gave pride to represent myself and build bonds with people that have differences like me. My goal is to help and build communities along with using my skills that establish equity, diversity, and inclusivity.

Throughout my path in education I gained interest in design, primarily in the digital field. Learning how to use certain tools has helped me to broaden my skills and think of how I can apply them to specific jobs in my career. Because of that, I want to create something that is useful and appealing to others that provides a friendly and inclusive user experience for all. I believe that connecting with people and understanding their perspective helps build pillars to a more diverse environment. I hope to create something impactful that can be used to help people and provide excellent services.

Outside of my academic life, I still enjoy the hobbies that make me happy. I like to play soccer, go out on runs, listen to music, watch shows, read, and travel to different places to learn about them. I feel like they would give me inspiration on what kind of work I can develop in my career.

I would be open to collaborating or messaging, so please reach out! tellotor@msu.edu